Manipulation or Adjustment: This involves moving a joint until resistance is felt and applying a quick and controlled force through the joint. Commonly an audible pop is noted. Manipulation has been proven very safe and effective in reducing pain and increasing mobility. This in turn leads to better joint health and functioning.
Mobilization: This therapy involves moving a joint until resistance is felt and then backing off and on again to produce a gentle oscillating movement through the joint. Mobilization can be used when manipulation is contraindicated or undesired and produces similar effects.

Modality Therapy: Modalities are tools used to produce a specific effect. Each modality provides benefit for its intended use. Automatic massagers can help sooth and relax sore muscles, electrotherapies increase endorphins and enkephalins which inhibit pain and hot or cold packs can control inflammation and affect circulation.
Other services: Dr. Moreton uses other therapies when needed. These include activator adjusting, taping techniques for sprains and strains, techniques for infants and children, exercise prescription and lots of good advice.